It is necessary to pool the filter operation and the right chemistry, if you want to keep the water clean in your pool. Look at the Hayward pool pump and filter to keep the water clean. But, you must ensure that the pump works properly. If you have problems with the device before, there are some techniques to solve the problem. Here are some techniques you can do.
First, we should all hose connections to the pump and tightenFilter. This is the first to solve the Hayward pump or filter you have done. You will find that the draft may cause the air tubes in the system. If the air filter in the system and operate in a vacuum, the breakdown.
Secondly, you should put the skimmer and remove any debris. You might find the rubble there. By opening the lid and pull the skimmer basket with all the rubble, you will be able to solve the problem, where if theWater in the pump. After removing the debris, you must use the filter, it may solve the problem or not.
Third, you must set the impeller. You will find it in the basket on the hose pump. To do so, must come from the engine before putting the pump cover. Then you should get the wheel to feel everything that could be part of this pump. Then drag all debris, leaves and debris blocking the fan. Then you should coverafter I finished with him.
Fourth, you should backwash or regeneration of the filter Hayward. When the Hayward Diatomaceous earth (DE) is pumped, it regenerates the diatomaceous earth, that cleaning will do better. This is done by repositioning the United States. But if the filter is a sand filter, you must use an undertow. Make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions to make sure you do the right things. If you have done this, you can change the filter andfind out if the problem is solved.
Fifth, they must be replaced (DE) and clean it. This occurs when the regeneration of the DE can not solve the problem in your pump Hayward. For this you should drain, open the filter and wash the cartridge with your fingers or a garden hose before re-mounting of the filter. Then, again (DE) Add through the skimmer when you have finished with the process already.
These are some things you can do to Hayward pool pump, you can solve problems.But, you must ensure that the right things so that you can use to have to keep the pump clean water in your pool.